Frankincense Incense Sticks (20s)

35.00 Grams
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Weight and dimensions are of the box, and are approximations. The incense stick is approximately 9 inches.

Product Overview


Embrace the ancient wisdom and spiritual power of Frankincense with these captivating incense sticks. This exquisite blend transcends the ordinary, transporting you to a higher state of being. The rich, earthy aroma awakens your senses and elevates your spirit, inviting a profound sense of peace and inner knowing.


  • Awakens Spirituality and Connection: Frankincense has long been revered for its ability to open the mind to higher realms of consciousness, fostering a sense of connection to the divine and deepening your spiritual practice.
  • Promotes Inner Peace and Serenity: The calming and grounding scent of frankincense soothes the mind and emotions, alleviating stress and anxiety while promoting tranquility and inner peace.
  • Enhances Meditation and Prayer: The purifying smoke of frankincense creates a sacred space, facilitating deeper states of meditation and prayer, allowing you to connect with your inner self on a profound level.
  • Boosts Mood and Well-being: Frankincense's uplifting aroma has been shown to enhance mood, reduce depression, and promote feelings of joy and contentment.
  • Improves Cognitive Function: The invigorating scent of frankincense can enhance mental clarity, improve focus and concentration, and boost memory recall.




  1. Light the tip of the incense stick with a match or lighter.
  2. Gently blow out the flame, allowing the tip to glow and emit smoke.
  3. Place the incense stick in an upright position in a fireproof incense holder.
  4. Allow the captivating aroma to fill your space and inhale deeply.
  5. Use it during meditation, prayer, relaxation, or anytime you seek to elevate your spirit and connect with your inner wisdom.




We have witnessed the transformative power of frankincense firsthand. Customers who regularly use our Frankincense Incense Sticks report experiencing a deeper connection to their spirituality, enhanced meditation practices, and a profound sense of inner peace and well-being. The unique aroma uplifts the spirit, creating a sacred haven for self-discovery and spiritual exploration.



  • Elevated spiritual awareness
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Improved mental clarity and focus
  • Enhanced mood and emotional well-being
  • Deeper connection to your inner self
  • Embark on a journey to a higher state of being with the transformative power of Frankincense Incense Sticks.



1. Keep a safe distance from burning incense.

2. Burn within sight.

3. Light incense in well-ventilated areas.

4. Keep out of children’s reach.

5. Ashes must fall on fireproof surfaces.

6. People with allergies must use this item with caution.

7. Keep incense away from other foreign materials. It is best to use an incense holder.