PINK OPAL Tumbled Stone

EUR 1.62
3.50 Grams
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Around 3.5 grams
0.5 to 0.9 inch
This product came from a piece of authentic natural gemstone and may contain inclusions, impurities (rock materials), "imperfections," natural cracks, and markings as part of Mother Nature's work of art.
Additional info:
This batch of pink opals are not polished. Surface is rough unlike most of our tumbled stones.

Product Overview

PINK OPAL (The Stone of Faithful Love, Spiritual Awakening, and Great Achievement) is a stone that brings peace and tranquility to your aura. Pink opal is especially known for its ability to heal emotions. When you wear it, you may feel more compassionate and able to resolve painful memories gently. It has the ability to increase love and compassion, stimulate the heart chakra, and promote feminine energy. It is also thought to be helpful in relieving stress and depression and can assist in healing the physical heart. Additionally, pink opal is said to help connect one with spiritual guides and angels. Pink opal is thought to be a powerful tool for releasing self-imposed limitations, helping you to become limitless in your pursuits.

This gemstone is said to bring hope and optimism into your life while dissolving any negativity that may be holding you back. It can also help to increase your self-esteem and confidence. Pink opal is a stone of new beginnings and is said to be helpful in attracting good luck and abundance. It is also thought to be helpful for those recovering from addictions or bad habits.

Pink opal is associated with the heart chakra. Its energies are believed to be helpful in attracting and maintaining love. It is also thought to be helpful in opening up the heart to forgiveness, compassion, and understanding.