OCEAN JASPER Classic 108 Mala with Lucky Arowana Guru Bead

40.00 Grams
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Product Overview

The Lucky Arowana symbol brings money, abundance, good health, and positive Chi In Feng Shui, the Arowana is considered a symbol of good luck and is said to be able to bestow overflowing wealth and good health to those who keep it close. It is also believed to be a powerful protector against harm and accidents. 

OCEAN JASPER (The Stone of Renewal & Rebirth / The Stone of Diversity) is a stone of transformation and change. It helps to release old patterns and habits that are no longer serving you, and it encourages you to move forward in your life with courage and confidence. It also has a strong metaphysical connection to the ocean and is said to bring abundance, good luck, and joy to its wearer.

Ocean Jasper is a stone of joy and relaxation. It is said to bring the energy of the ocean and the sunshine into one's life. It is used to foster feelings of brotherhood and compassion. It is also thought to be helpful in relieving stress and anxiety. As a metaphysical stone, it is said to help one connect with the nature spirits of the oceans and promote peacefulness. Some people also use Ocean Jasper to promote creativity, abundance, and fertility. 

In addition to its metaphysical properties, Ocean Jasper is also said to be beneficial for physical health. It is thought to help with problems such as allergies, asthma, and joint pain. Some people also use it for detoxification purposes. Ocean Jasper is a gorgeous stone that helps connect you with the ocean and its energies. It's especially good for restoring balance in your life, both physically and emotionally. It's also thought to be helpful for stress relief, anxiety, and panic attacks.