₱ 2,550.00
40.00 Grams
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This item is made from natural gemstones and the item you will receive may have its own nuances and inclusions. There may also be slight variations in bead sizes in a bracelet, but closest to the bead size you have chosen. Each piece is unique.

Product Overview


THE SACRAL CHAKRA HAMSA MALA is for the 2nd Chakra (Swadhistana).  It enhances our creative energy and boosts our sexuality. It helps us to adapt to and welcome change.

Chakra Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel.

In the second chakra not only do we create life, but also all forms of creation such as art, music, poetry, etc. It is a very sacred and powerful place for women to manifest their dreams and desires, as well as stand in combat to protect those dreams and desires. In this area we also hold control issues. If we are weak or lacking energy in this chakra, we can give over our control to others and become disempowered, impotent and fearful.

SIGNS OF IMBALANCE: You need this bracelet if you feel needy or withdrawn, or if you are dealing with sexual problems or disfunction, fear of any form of intimacy, and issues about infidelity. You also need this if creativity is lacking in your life.

SIGNS OF BALANCE AFTER WEARING AND/OR MEDITATING WITH THE MALA TREE’S CHAKRA HAMSA MALA: You will feel a smooth flow of creative energy and healthy sexual desire. Aside from this, you will also start having a positive outlook in life.


The Hamsa Hand is an ancient amulet. In all faiths, it is a sign of protection. It brings its owner happiness, luck, health, blessings, power, strength, and good luck and fortune. It is believed to represent purity and to hold magical properties. Hamsa Hand jewelry is popular among yogis, yoginis, lightworkers, healers, and meditation practitioners. It gives protection from the envious or evil eye, a malicious stare believed to be able to cause illness, death or just general unluckiness. Early use of the hamsa has been traced to ancient Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) as well as ancient Carthage. A universal sign of protection, the image of the open right hand is seen in Mesopotamian artifacts in the amulets of the goddess Ishtar or Inanna. Other symbols of divine protection based around the hand include the Hand-of-Venus (or Aphrodite), the Hand-of-Mary, that was used to protect women from the evil eye and/or boost fertility and lactation, promote healthy pregnancies and strengthen the weak, and in the Buddha's gesture (mudr€) of teaching and protection. In the Bible, It is often called the Hand of Miriam [the sister of Moses, who protected him as a baby]. It is also interpreted as the protecting Hand of God.